Cannabis may be legal, thanks to The Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA), but it can still be difficult to purchase it legally for recreational use. In this content, you will know the full story of Bakersfield 420 evaluations.
The issue is that although state marijuana laws allow for the sale and consumption of cannabis local jurisdictions still have a strong say in how the law is implemented in their area. Thus, despite the fact that marijuana is legal in California the majority of municipalities are still very selective about the types of commercial cannabis activity they will allow with a number of local jurisdictions permitting medical marijuana dispensaries but not recreational ones.
Kern County’s rules are on the stricter side and it is certainly easier to obtain weed legally if you have a medical card.
If you use cannabis for medicinal purposes it makes sense to have a 420 evaluations Bakersfield and recommendation. This will allow you to make use of medical dispensaries as well as a host of other benefits including saving money on taxes, fewer restrictions and access to better quality plants.
Med Card Now offers quick, simple, online Bakersfield 420 evaluations with no appointment required. Apply here now.
Cannabis Laws in Bakersfield CA
Although the State of California legalized recreational cannabis the specifics are still determined at County level. Kern County has banned commercial sales of marijuana meaning that the only options are cultivation at home, medical dispensaries or travelling outside the county.
Delivery services are allowed to operate even in jurisdictions within California where sales have been banned.
What is a 420 Evaluations Bakersfield?
A 420 evaluation is a simple process that allows patients with a wide range of specified conditions and symptoms to access medical cannabis.
Marijuana has been legal for medicinal use in California since 1996 and medical doctors have been able to recommend cannabis to their patients to treat a variety of illnesses ranging from anxiety and stress disorders to migraines, trauma, arthritis and autoimmune diseases.
In order to access medicinal cannabis, you must get a recommendation from a California-licensed doctor or physician. In California medical marijuana evaluations can be done remotely so you do not have to travel to see a doctor, instead, this can be done online using services such as Med Card Now.
A medical marijuana doctor will look at your medical records and determine whether any condition you are suffering from would benefit from the use of medical marijuana. If they feel this is the case you will then be issued with a signed letter of recommendation and an optional medical marijuana card which will allow you to purchase cannabis from any medical marijuana dispensary in the state, as well as buy from home delivery services. 420 evaluation Bakersfield helps you to get marijuana.
Benefits of Getting a Bakersfield 420 Evaluation
While recreational marijuana is legal in Bakersfield California it is still much easier to legally access medical marijuana in the city, which can only be done with a valid 420 recommendation or “marijuana card”.
In addition to easier access the benefits of getting a 420 recommendation include:
- Saving potentially hundreds of dollars on taxes.
- The ability to carry and grow more marijuana legally.
- Lower age limits.
- A better experience.
Medical users are exempt from the state taxes placed on recreational cannabis which can translate to savings of between 20 and 40%.
The laws governing the use of marijuana also allow patients to possess, carry and grow larger quantities. Patients can carry up to 8 ounces of cannabis and grow up to 12 plants whereas recreational users are limited to 1 ounce and 6 plants. There is also the option of getting a growers recommendation which allows for up to 99 plants to be cultivated.
There are also lower age limits for the use of medicinal cannabis. If you are over 18 you can apply for a medical 420 evaluation that makes marijuana legal to buy in medical dispensaries although you are not able to buy from recreational dispensaries until you are 21. There is also no lower age limit for medicinal use although minors do need a parent present and cannot buy marijuana or marijuana products themselves.
Having a medical card not only gives more options but can lead to an overall better experience. There are reports that dispensaries are “hot filthy and it smelled like urine”, not a pleasant experience. Medical cannabis is also often a higher-quality product.
Where and How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Bakersfield
One way in which California is different from other states that have legalized cannabis for medicinal use is that 420 evaluations Bakersfield ca can be carried out remotely, either online or over the phone. This is of particular benefit for those who need the drug to help with mobility issues or don’t have access to transport to get them to see a physician in person.
Instead, cannabis doctors are ready and waiting to provide 420 evaluation Bakersfield and recommendations without the need for a face-to-face meeting. You can simply make an appointment online or talk with staff over the phone in order to get your cannabis card.
Remote evaluation tends to be a relatively straightforward process as there are over 100 conditions and symptoms that are approved for treatment using medical marijuana. These cover a wide range of conditions including stress, anxiety and depression, seizures, nausea and loss of appetite, pain and inflammation, asthma and insomnia. Plus doctors are able to make recommendations at their own discretion if they feel there are symptoms that could be effectively treated by the patient taking cannabis.
If you need a 420 evaluations Bakersfield california you can get one today using Med Card Now from just $39. Med Card Now offers a full 100% money-back guarantee if not approved, and you get a PDF copy of your 12-month recommendation letter straight away.